Awesome Autumn — Let Us Count the Ways

Fall in Montana is pure magic…probably because it comes and goes faster than you can say “abracadabra.”  But while it’s here, it frames everything in pure golden hues and pink-cheeked smiles.

Here are just a few of the many reasons I love this mountain-studded, river-dappled state in October.  Will you share your favorite thing about fall?

Little girls swimming in pink hats, like our neighbor Ella Chapin.
Even littler girls smiling in pink sweaters, like Sophia Switalski.
A cornucopia of delicious harvested goodness at downtown Farmers Markets.
Vibrant strips of yellow cottonwoods on sparkling clear creeks.
Floating over a colorful town like a blue-green bird.
Playing “fetch the ball” for hours with kiddos at Caras Park.
Random Missoula events, like this dunk tank on a near-freezing evening at the “Pray for Snow” party.
Roasting pigs over open fires…and then eating them. Yum…


Rain-bright streets framing turbulent skies.

One thought on “Awesome Autumn — Let Us Count the Ways

  1. Cassidy Randall says:

    I love all these things! Plus picking fruit, hot tubbing in the rain, climbing hypercolor peaks, and settling in with friends and a glass of wine!

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