Baja or Bust: Sailing in the Sea of Cortez

Four sailors.  Twelve days.  Five desert islands.  125 miles in a 22-foot 1978 Catalina.  In November 2011, Rob and I and two of our closest friends spent two weeks exploring the Loreto Marine Park in the Sea of Cortez.  And we did it for less than $1,000 per person (including flights and tequila!).

The full story will appear in the August edition of Cruising World.  We hope the story will inspire readers to just go: sail when, how, and where you can, even if it means cramped quarters on a 30-year-old boat you rent from a guy in Mexico named Rudolfo.  For now, here’s a few pictures and a “trailer” of our trip:

  • trading off nights camping on the beach under the stars;
  • preparing grouper ceviche and fish tacos;
  • swimming with dolphins, hammerheads, and phosphorescent glow worms;
  • petting goats and finding ice-cold beer in a remote fishing village on Day 10;
  • hooking a 4-foot dorado from our sit-on-top kayak dingy; and
  • spectacular anchorages in turquoise waters off desert islands.

It was a blast.  Stay tuned for the full article next summer!

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