About my blog

I started a blog called On The Horizon Line in 2013 when my husband and I hitchhiked across the Pacific Ocean on sailboats. We quit our jobs, sold most of our stuff and basically took a gap year in our mid-30s. We crewed on 7 different boats and voyaged 6,000 miles to a dozen different countries. After we had our fill of deserted beaches, swimming with sharks, and eating our weight in mangoes, we posted up in the Kingdom of Tonga.
We made Talon in Tonga. Then we traveled for five more months through New Zealand and Southeast Asia.
Coming home and having a baby took some getting used to. We floundered through important questions, how do you deal with diapers during a three-day wilderness backpacking trip? Is it insane to take a toddler canoeing next to crocodiles? We figured it out, though. And even decided to have another kid! Lyra was born in 2018. Like her brother, she was a champion tent-camper as an infant and was sailing with us to tropical islands before she could walk.
As I transitioned into my career as a freelance writer, I migrated my blog onto this site to continue chronicling our adventures.
Why I love the horizon line
It’s where everything comes together. The horizon is where the sky meets the sea, deserts meet rivers, and mountains meet the clouds. New beginnings spread in all directions, just waiting for you to come check them out.
The best part about the horizon is that it’s constantly changing. From light to dark, jagged to smooth, the line evolves as our perspective shifts.
Our family strives to live on that line. Not just the physical horizon, which can be both beautiful and challenging. But also the spiritual and cultural horizons, where people and ideas intersect.
That’s what I blog about here: living on that edge where it’s just a little uncomfortable, and always reaching a little farther toward that rising sun.