When Postpartum Depression Stole My Husband

In 2014, just a few weeks after we returned from our sailing trip across the Pacific, Rob began suffering from insomnia, paralyzing indecision and panic attacks. We didn’t know it at the time, but his mental illness was likely linked to the physical and emotional changes associated with becoming a father.

To Become The Best Adventure Parent…Get A Babysitter!

Although I love being an Adventure Mom, sometimes I mourn the loss of Adventure Me—the woman who could walk out the door and head straight into the mountains without juggling snacks, diapers, extra layers, and distracted children. When one of the kids starts whining on the trail, I’ll reminisce about […]

Birding, Baby: The New Extreme Sport

Watching birds in cool places is the perfect way to get outside for mini-adventures with tots I bet you never thought birding was hard-core.  I didn’t really, either.  But then we added a baby to the mix, and Montana decided to sprinkle in some of its famous fickle weather to make our […]

14:1 | The Perfect Ratio for Vacational Whimsy

A weekend extravaganza where Kevin Colburn coined the term “vacational whimsy,” an apt description for fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants holiday planning. Vacational whimsy isn’t for the faint of heart. Rather than rainbows and gumdrops, unplanned adventures can lead to rainstorms and gum in your hair.

Birding, Baby: The New Extreme Sport

I bet you never thought birding was hard-core. I didn’t really, either. But then we added a baby to the mix, and Montana decided to sprinkle in some of its famous fickle weather to make our bird-watching missions more extreme.

I THINK I can, I THINK I can

If the little blue engine can make it over the mountain, so can I–even if free-time and the sea seem like distant memories.

I am not a superhero

I try “organic blogging” about my first professional development opportunity in months, which I grabbed with both hands and a Beco-full of babbling baby.

How to be a grown-ass woman

My mujer mojo is missing in action. The title of this post makes it sound like I’m going to tell you how to be a responsible female adult.  Instead, I’m trolling for your ideas on the subject. First off, an explanation.  I spent a fabulous three estrogen-soaked days with a couple of stellar […]

A Quick Exit

I was just looking for a little more space. And yeah, a quick exit would have been nice, too. “Ma’am, you can’t sit in the emergency exit row with a child,” the flight attendant informed me. With my arms full of wriggling infant, coats and snacks, I headed back toward […]

Trimming wee talons (and other tales of time)

Cutting our kid’s nails is kind of like wrestling a small iguana, except iguanas don’t drool. Back when I had a 9-5 job and no kid, I always knew what day of the week it was. I was also way better at watering the plants regularly – once a week like clockwork. And […]

The falls are still scary

“I’ll always take care of you,” I whispered to my sleeping son. And as I tiptoed out of the room, I thought to myself, I just hope you’ll always let me. Talon had just finished a massive crying jag after his first big scare. Our glider rocking chair tumbled over accidentally, […]

A dozen pounds of drool

“This baby is a daily reminder that I can’t control the universe,” said my friend, Hilary, last week as she frantically jiggled the newborn slung around her chest. I nodded. It’s humbling, we agreed, to give up control. To say goodbye to who we were and hello to the new […]

Living Luxuriously in the Creases

“I had plenty of time when my daughter was a baby,” my friend tells me. “It was just lost in the transitions.”   She means the transitions between eating and sleeping between dishes and laundry between what was and what is. Motherhood means dwelling within these transitions. Residing in the […]

Will our baby have the travel bug?

“Awww, so cute!” an acquaintance remarked, stroking Talon’s fuzzy head while we waited in line at a local coffee shop. “Aren’t you glad you got traveling out of your system before the baby was born?” If I had a nickel for every time someone asked me that question lately, I’d […]


All good stories start with water. With a flow, a rush, a release. So did you.  You were made on the sea, in nights full of stars and gently rocking boats. You were made when laughter was simple, and music echoed through it all.  Here is what I want you […]

On Missing My Sister

I started the countdown to Tonga a few days ago. Less than five weeks! Yes, I know, I can hear you. You couldn’t be thinking it louder: “Really? You’re taking a month-long vacation—with us—and you just started that countdown right now?!” Seriously. And part of the reason I haven’t started […]

One Day in December

So many people have asked me how I feel about my sister leaving for an indefinite period of time. I try to come up with a sufficiently meaningful answer, but it seems to fall short every time. Because frankly, I’m trying not to think about it. I took a walk […]

Happy Hillside Commune

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A Pair of Skis Saved My Soul

“May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds.”  – Edward Abbey. by: Cassidy Randall (M.U.P. Files contributor) I am shaped by sun and desert. I wonder that snow has found its way into my bones, […]

Turning a Dragon into a Princess

Note:  The M.U.P Files are a new community corner of On the Horizon Line.  Look for stories from our friends and family related to expanding their hometown horizons.  Let us know if you want to contribute! Why “The M.U.P Files”?  Because these dispatches from the desks of our loved ones will be […]