Brianna Randall - writer - ranchers - weeds

Farm Progress | Aug 2020

“Ranchers take on cheatgrass fight” – Controlling this invasive weed can protect Western grazing lands. Read more >  

Brianna Randall - Discover - dads mental health

Discover | June 2020

“Dads Experience Postpartum Depression, Too” –  New fathers face many changes after their child’s birth, and need more support, experts say. Read more >>

brianna randall - thinking like a beaver - rocky mountain elk foundation

Bugle | July 2020

“Thinking Like A Beaver” –  Elk suffer when streams and floodplains dry up. So do ranchers who need clean water and lush meadows. Stick by stick and stone by stone, low-tech stream restoration is providing a great boost to wildlife, livestock and people. And the next project is just a weekend’s […]

beavers and bull trout - story by brianna randall - photo by rob roberts

National Wildlife Federation | May 2020

“Beavers, Trout, and a Changing Climate” – Research seeks to ensure beaver-related stream restoration is a boon rather than a bother for native trout. Read more >

brianna randall - montana outdoors - rivers and cottonwoods - freelance writer

Montana Outdoors | April 2020

“Portrait: Black Cottonwood” – Cottonwoods define the rivers and streams throughout much of Montana. Learn all about their special qualities here.

Discover Magazine - ciguatera fish poisoning - writer Brianna Randall

Discover | Mar 2020

“Food Poisoning Linked to Eating Fish Is on the Rise — Leaving Some Victims With Strange Neurological Effects” |  Ciguatera poisoning causes creepy symptoms that go beyond gastrointestinal distress. And unlike E. coli or Salmonella, you can’t kill ciguatera by cooking it. Read more >

best snow games for kids by brianna randall

REI Co-Op Journal | Feb 2020

“10 Best Snow Games To Play With Kids” –  Fun ways to get kids outside, whether you’ve got 2 feet or 2 inches of snow. Read more >

10 Best Snow Games To Play With Kids

From ‘Capture the Flag’ or ‘Tic-Tac-Snow’ to ‘Dodgeball’ and ‘Pin the Nose on the Snowman’, these top 10 snow games are sure to keep you giggling and get you moving. 

beavers restore stream - by Brianna Randall, writer

BEEF | Feb 2020

“Beaver power provides year-long water to Idaho ranch” – Beavers? You read that right. Here’s how four-legged engineers helped restore an Idaho ranch. Read more >

The Washington Post - by Brianna Randall - health kids yoga

The Washington Post | Jan 2020

“Why more kids are learning and enjoying yoga” –  As I stepped on the sharp edge of a Lego buried in our carpet, my temper snapped. “That’s it! I’ve asked you five times to brush your teeth and put away these toys. It’s way past bedtime!” My 5-year-old son looked […]

Brianna Randall, freelance writer, REI

REI Co-Op Journal | Dec 2019

“Noah Strycker is on a mission to bring birding to the masses” – North America has lost nearly 3 billion total birds over the past 50 years, according to recent research. One birder hopes to change that, in part, by attracting new recruits to his lifelong profession and pastime.  Read more >

Brianna Randall, Writer CNN

CNN | Nov 2019

“Swimming with Hawaii’s charismatic spinner dolphins stirs controversy” – In Hawaii, swimming with wild dolphins is possible and popular — partly because these marine mammals keep showing up near shore to greet their human visitors. But some scientists worry people may be unintentionally harming the dolphins. Read more >>


The Washington Post | Sep 2019

“When postpartum depression stole my husband” – I thought only new moms could get parental depression. But dads like Rob can get it too. Here’s our story. Read more >

Sailing with kids - brianna randall - cruising world

Cruising World | July 2019

“Kids On Board” – Taking a vacation under sail with pint-size crew? Ensure a good time is had by all by following these tips. Read more >

Trout Magazine Brianna Randall

Trout Magazine | Spring 2019

“Low-Tech Stream Restoration Helps “Drought-Proof” The West” – New research shows that building simple structures of sticks and stones tos tore more water pays big dividends for people and wildlife. Read more >

brianna randall writing copy in missoula

Birthday Eve | Silver Streaks and Strawberries

It’s the day before my 39th birthday, and I have 18 minutes before the babysitter leaves. I forgot the laptop in my haste to get to may meeting on time (and also to comb my hair), so I borrow old menus and a pen from the coffee shop waiter to write these words.

Why (And How!) To Camp With A Wall Tent

Two years ago, we bought a 10×14′ canvas wall tent, along with a mini wood stove and some nifty camping cots. Here’s why it’s a great family adventure setup.

Tips For Skiing With Kids In Montana

Meet the Jennings Family: Matt and Kate started skiing with Josie when she was just a baby. Check out their expert tips for how to successfully get tots down slopes!

brianna randall - toddler crocodile everglades canoe trip national parks magazine

National Parks Magazine | Winter 2019

“When Your Toddler Meets A Crocodile” – On a week-long paddling trip with kids through Everglades National Park, the rewards are worth the risks. Read it online > 

The Washington Post | Dec 2018

“Aboard a chartered catamaran in the British Virgin Islands: The more the merrier” – A family sailing vacation goes better when kids — and parents — have friends along for the ride. Read more >

The Washington Post | Sep 2017

“In the Kingdom of Tonga, underwater wonders and Polynesian hospitality” – As I stepped off the little boat after 48 hours of travel, I felt a little like Tom Sawyer. Mostly because my family would be staying in a treehouse. But also because the island looked like something out of a […]


The Washington Post | May 2017

“5 things that make communal parenting easier than going it alone” – Real-life story of how and why you should consider hanging often with other families, including tips for how to embrace short-term communes.  Read more >>


BBC Travel | Feb 2017

“What to do when you’re giving a tropical island” – When Ben and Lisa Newton sold their businesses and homes to sail through the South Pacific, they never expected to own one of the islands they dreamed about.  Read more >>


Cruising World | Dec 2016

“The Dawn Watch” – I have the dawn watch on this passage from Rangiroa to Bora Bora, the shift from 0300 to whenever my husband wakes up. As I stretch and yawn, I try to switch gears to the less comfortable reality of night sailing.  Read more >>