Shades of Gringo

The most noticeable thing about Baja (besides, of course, the stark beauty of the desert, the vast blue seas on either side of the mountains, the friendly people, awesome tacos and colorful culture) is the different shades of gringo. On the light end of the gringo spectrum, you’ve got your […]

A Typical Baja Beginning

We made it to Mark and Katie!  And it only took an extra 3 hours more than planned, with only half the expected cost.  In Mexico, that’s quite a success story. After leaving Missoula at 5:30 AM in the dark, chilly mountain air, we landed in SanJose del Cabo Airport […]

A Snapshot of Our Last Days in Missoula

Going away cards from our buddies, Jiah and Solan Grillo.                     My last bike ride through Greenough Park along Rattlesnake Creek.  It’s been a helluva lovely commute these past ten years!                 The new neighborhood grocery […]

My Place in Space and Time

Picture yourself right now.  Close your eyes and visualize where you’re sitting, standing or lounging.  Now zoom out.  Do you have a map in your head of where you are located on this big, beautiful earth? I do.  I’m a visual learner, and I feel disoriented if I can’t picture […]

Packing Your Home into a Small Space

  Our first day of (our first) retirement is full of dust-bunnies, boxes, and lots of trash bags.  The full chaos of moving is upon us.  Luckily, we have a whole week to move our life and our house into a 12×12-foot storage space before we fly away to Baja […]

Travel Preparations: What to Bring With You

Are you ready for Part 2 of the Travel Prep Mini-Series?  We sure are!  This entry is much more fun, since it means we’re getting closer to a final packing list and farther from those nagging logistical details of leaving our life behind.  (In case you missed Part 1, click here […]

Travel Preparations: What You Should Leave Behind

Last week, I had coffee with my friend, Kim.  She and her family are planning to take a year off to sail soon (go, Kim!), and I talked her ear off about how to prepare.  Kim madly scribbled down notes as I rattled off websites, resources and advice about the […]

Spending Money to Travel

I just checked my credit card statement, and had to take several deep breaths.  Once I was sure I wouldn’t hyperventilate, I opened my eyes again to look at the carnage: Amazon, Apple, Expedia … repeat.  Whoa. How naive I was, thinking we’d just stuff a backpack with some bathing suits […]

How to Travel In and Around Cuba

As the days get shorter and temperatures start dropping in Montana, my thoughts often turn to more tropical locations.  This year, I already know where we are going, kind of. We’ll leave in April and head for somewhere between Hawaii and Australia.  If you have the same inclinations and you’re […]

Me + 2 Hot Mamas in San Fran = 3 Barbies in a Boat

Two things I’ll miss when we sail into the sunset — girlfriends and walking. Two things I won’t miss a bit — grey winters and biting-cold Montana wind. This weekend I was lucky enough to soak in the good stuff and get outta the bad.  On Friday afternoon, I hopped on a […]

Highlights from Beijing and Guiyang

I first came up with the idea for this blog while in China last June.  I was there for a month as part of a U.S. State Department/University of Montana exchange program between U.S. and Chinese environmental professionals.  I was the water “expert” … or something. The reason I originally […]

Baja or Bust: Sailing in the Sea of Cortez

Four sailors.  Twelve days.  Five desert islands.  125 miles in a 22-foot 1978 Catalina.  In November 2011, Rob and I and two of our closest friends spent two weeks exploring the Loreto Marine Park in the Sea of Cortez.  And we did it for less than $1,000 per person (including […]