Free Stuff – Round 1

I was in rare cleaning form this Sunday morning. The grey Montana sky inspired me to make a sparkling house. And then, putting the vacuum away, I started looking deeper into the dark recessed storage area under our stairs.  Whoooaa, Nelly, do we have a LOT of random stuff.

Rob and I pulled some of it out into the light of day, and put it in “to go” piles.  We have to fit our whole life into a 10×12′ space in a few months, and the items pictured below are officially voted off the storage-island.

Want ’em?  You got ’em, for the rock-bottom price of FREE. And stay tuned: there’ll be plenty more free goodies coming soon.

A few things were too rad to make the “free” list, so check out Craigslist if you want one of the following cool-kid items.  Hint: they’d make an awesome Christmas gift for your friend or loved one.

Beer brewing kit pictured above (complete with 2 party pigs!)

12-string Ibanez guitar

Sector 9 Longboard

This is a SWEET deal, worth like $150. Or something. 3 cans of bear spray, perhaps slightly expired, but totally deadly to charging grizzlies.
Nice stools, huh? They’re about 2.5 feet high, and all yours.
Random assortment A: large fan, humidifier, air filter, and…yes…crutches.
Who doesn’t need jars? This box comes with every size you can imagine, complete with a variety of lids.
Random Assortment B: another fan, red spice shelf, 8′ yellow panel curtains, striped rug.

One thought on “Free Stuff – Round 1

  1. Rob Roberts says:

    Sure hope we don’t need those crutches…

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