Free Stuff – Round 2

[anything_slider title=”Give us a shout if you want any of these goods:” column=”full-width” autoslide=”3000″ slider_id=”1510″/]


The garage is starting to look bare…for now.  We’ll be building a wall to divide it in half next month, so that we can put all our stuff in “storage” downstairs before we go.  That means we have to purge to make it all fit!  If you want to peruse this stuff, let us know and you can come shopping in our downstairs bedroom.

There’ll be another round of free stuff when we get to the kitchen area.  And we also have some very large bags of clothes for the next Missoula clothes swap (hint, hint if anyone’s itching to host a party!).

One thought on “Free Stuff – Round 2

  1. Bri, funny you should ask–I was just thinking the other day that I would like to try skate skiing, as it looks like a really sweet workout, and those dudes are always passing me at Pattee….so I would love to have those. (I can’t fit into Robs boots though). I’ll have to buy some. Thanks!

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