Embrace the Now

Rob pulled himself into the dinghy. “Man, I sure wish I’d had our GoPro down there,” he told me, pulling off his mask. “How cool would it have been to get video of those sea lions side-swiping us?” We’d just snorkeled off Los Islotes, a small rock outcropping north of […]

Finding Peace in La Paz

We just got back from a lovely meal with fellow Montanans who live here in La Paz.  (I know: our recent posts make it like Montanans are rapidly colonizing Baja California).  Josh Schroeder and his wife, Nieves, welcomed us into their home., and made us prawns, pasta and plenty of […]

The Unexpected Treasures

“May you find light even in darkness. May the arc of your narrative be full of unexpected treasures. Be open. Be vulnerable. Be you.” These wise words appeared in our mailbox the day we locked the door of our home to set sail for new adventures.  Our good friend, Kipper, […]

My Body is a Shellfish

My whole body feels a like the inside of a shellfish. My skin is like an oyster, tender and supple, elastic and thin. My feet are as soft and smooshy as a snail, while my hands are as delicate and smooth as a scallop. My shell has been pulled off, […]

The Curse of the Chinese Lantern

The first five days of our trip were magical.  Easy.  Simple.  Relaxing.  Good people in a gorgeous spot, with few hassles and lots of laughter.  We felt blessed. So, on the fourth night with our current tribe of saltwater-loving friends on the beach in Pescadero, Baja California, we made a […]

Stolen Pride (and lots of other stuff)

It’s April Fools Day.  Now, if only someone would pop out and yell, “Just kidding!  Here’s all your stuff back.”  We awoke after our 5th night under the open air palapa at Alan and Bequia’s place in Pescadero to another bright sunny morning in paradise … only to find that […]

Shades of Gringo

The most noticeable thing about Baja (besides, of course, the stark beauty of the desert, the vast blue seas on either side of the mountains, the friendly people, awesome tacos and colorful culture) is the different shades of gringo. On the light end of the gringo spectrum, you’ve got your […]

A Typical Baja Beginning

We made it to Mark and Katie!  And it only took an extra 3 hours more than planned, with only half the expected cost.  In Mexico, that’s quite a success story. After leaving Missoula at 5:30 AM in the dark, chilly mountain air, we landed in SanJose del Cabo Airport […]

A Letter to Llyr – From Bri

The following is a letter I emailed to the owners of Llyr.  In April, this family will embark on an ocean expedition to research bio-cultural diversity from their 53′ steel sailboat.  Llyr responded to our post in Cruisers Forum, and we’ve been communicating about potentially crewing on their boat from Panama to the […]

Baja or Bust: Sailing in the Sea of Cortez

Four sailors.  Twelve days.  Five desert islands.  125 miles in a 22-foot 1978 Catalina.  In November 2011, Rob and I and two of our closest friends spent two weeks exploring the Loreto Marine Park in the Sea of Cortez.  And we did it for less than $1,000 per person (including […]