The Pain of Passage-Making

Many people envision sailing as a romantic and relaxing hobby. I still do, too, even knowing from experience that the romance and relaxation account for about 10% of the actual time on a sailboat. It’s easier — and more fun — to talk about the sunsets and stars, or even […]

Communications on a Boat

A friend asked us months ago about the communications setup on sailboats.  I promised a blog entry, and the timing seems ripe now that we’re floating in the middle of the big blue Pacific puddle. First off, every boat has a slightly different setup to communicate with the outside world.  […]

On Noticing Mermaids

Some people never take notice of the Earth; some have to have it pointed out to them. But most, I think, are simply uncurious. You take notice. The whole point in going on this adventure is to take notice. You will experience so many amazing things. But you don’t have […]