The Secret to Getting the Best Compliment Ever

I finally feel like my head and my heart are back in the same groove after our recent adventures in jungles, deserts, oceans and mountains. Read on to hear why, and to check out photos from our travels!

My Body is a Shellfish

My whole body feels a like the inside of a shellfish. My skin is like an oyster, tender and supple, elastic and thin. My feet are as soft and smooshy as a snail, while my hands are as delicate and smooth as a scallop. My shell has been pulled off, […]

Shades of Gringo

The most noticeable thing about Baja (besides, of course, the stark beauty of the desert, the vast blue seas on either side of the mountains, the friendly people, awesome tacos and colorful culture) is the different shades of gringo. On the light end of the gringo spectrum, you’ve got your […]