How To Canoe With Kids

Canoes are the perfect way to introduce children to the water: they are sturdy, safe, versatile and affordable. Check out this story for tips + a packing list to start exploring rivers and lakes with your kiddos!

brianna randall writing copy in missoula

Birthday Eve | Silver Streaks and Strawberries

It’s the day before my 39th birthday, and I have 18 minutes before the babysitter leaves. I forgot the laptop in my haste to get to may meeting on time (and also to comb my hair), so I borrow old menus and a pen from the coffee shop waiter to write these words.

Tips For Skiing With Kids In Montana

Meet the Jennings Family: Matt and Kate started skiing with Josie when she was just a baby. Check out their expert tips for how to successfully get tots down slopes!

Parent For One Week

So, what do you really need to be a parent for a week? Turns out you need a lot less when you’re in Tonga, a tropical island-nation in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Hell, kids don’t even need shoes in Tonga. I discovered this within the first hour of […]

I Don’t Speak French – Just “Bike”

I don’t speak French. This makes me unpopular with French people, and makes it tough to get around by myself here in French Polynesia. My husband is trying to teach me the basics as we sail from one island to the next. But my Spanish-soaked brain rebels against silent consonants, […]

My Birthday Present From You

Today’s my birthday.  33 years old, just after our 33-day Pacific passage.  I’m in paradise for my birthday, sailing to a tropical island to snorkel with sharks and gorging on mangoes (my favorite fruit) to celebrate.  I feel blessed. I have only one wish for my birthday from readers: check […]

Meet the Crew Sailing the Pacific

The Steele-McCutchin family is awesome.  Rob and I feel fortunate to have found such good people to spend a few months with, and such capable people to sail with across the largest ocean on the planet.  They bought Llyr 4 years ago because they were ready for new expeditions.  None […]

Book Release! (Want a free copy?)

Some of you probably remember when I started writing a kids’ book during grad school.  Maybe you even heard the reading I gave at a local Missoula bookstore almost a decade ago. After I finished the novel, I shelved it for quite some time.  Then, in the midst of moving […]

Happy Hillside Commune

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Awesome Autumn — Let Us Count the Ways

Fall in Montana is pure magic…probably because it comes and goes faster than you can say “abracadabra.”  But while it’s here, it frames everything in pure golden hues and pink-cheeked smiles. Here are just a few of the many reasons I love this mountain-studded, river-dappled state in October.  Will you […]