Our Own Piles of Leaves | Poem + Photos

Meanwhile, the leaves fall like so many stories
each one sighing through the air with its own
weight and momentum
settling into the piles that layer our lives.

Bang Bang (with goats and hot pants)

This is what we do on the average Tuesday in Tonga.  No, we weren’t on drugs, and no, this was not the result of a dare or a lost bet.  We spent a week on Tapana Island with our new friends, Billy and Magenta, perfecting our band’s repertoire and running […]

Let’s talk about the future.

A lot of people have asked us recently about our short- and long-term plans. Where are we going next? What will we be doing in Tonga? What are our goals for the future? (Besides making an album, since we have this awesome album cover photo all ready to go.) To […]

Boy, do I love Rob.

Rob’s writing a song. He sits on the bow, bent over the small nylon-string guitar we bought in Panama City, humming softly to himself: “Duh duh duh, dum dee dum dum, ba-daaaaaa.” I smile as he ends with a flourish. Rob’s only been playing guitar for two months, but the […]

Magic Mood Mixture (nope, no illegal substances included)

I know many of you who followed our voyage across the Pacific are secretly asking yourselves this very important question:how the hell did Bri and Rob keep from losing their minds during while bobbing around the ocean blue for a whole month? First off, don’t kid yourselves: we definitely lost […]

We Are Musical People, Yo.

A drum beats through the background of my daily narrative.  A bass-line usually thrums in my brain and through my body while we eat, when I dance, as I work, while I play guitar.  But the background beat has been eerily absent for over a week.  My guitar and both […]

Puppy Love

Remember our recent foray into homesteading? Here’s a short video clip that showcases a few highlights:: 1) Kipp and Christine’s adorable 8-week-old puppy, Penny. 2) A not-very-good but fun-to-play rendition of our group’s version of “Wagon Wheel” (aka the “Freebird” of our generation), which is redeemed by Brad’s fiddle playing. […]

Giving thanks (and buying stuff).

On this post-Thanksgiving Sunday, I am grateful for my sister, my parents, and my husband who are my best friends.  I am grateful for the loving and close-knit circle of Missoula and Portland-based friends who are my family. I am grateful for rainy walks by cold creeks, hot turkey soup, long soaks […]