Setting Sail Today

We’re leaving shore today.  No more docks, stores, or easy access to electricity and freshwater.  No more walks or laundry or internet for at least a month.  People asked me all the time before we left home if I was scared.  I wasn’t then.  Today, I’m definitely nervous.  But, personally, […]

Wet is the New Dry

I’m becoming intimate with water. Not, unfortunately, the sea water I had hoped to get cozy with when we envisioned this voyage. Nope. My new relationship is with the water in the air. “What in the hell,” my skin asks, “is this water in the air business?” My skin’s been […]

The Monkey’s Fist (in your face)

We did it! Our first Panama Canal transit was a success. And by success, I mean none of the scary things happened that most yacht owners worry about. Those scary things include: Hitting one of the concrete walls in the 106-foot wide locks and damaging your sailboat as billions of […]

Panama Canal (Take One): “You Want US to be line handlers?”

Rob and I are going to serve as line handlers on a 38-foot monohull sailboat heading through the Panama Canal tomorrow. Those of you familiar with our intended itinerary are probably confused, since you know we’re crewing on Llyr through the Canal en route to the South Pacific. Here’s the […]

We Are Musical People, Yo.

A drum beats through the background of my daily narrative.  A bass-line usually thrums in my brain and through my body while we eat, when I dance, as I work, while I play guitar.  But the background beat has been eerily absent for over a week.  My guitar and both […]