Nature’s Engine – A ripple that spins.

A cyclone looks remarkably similar to a single ripple spreading slowly over calm water.  Except that the ripple spins and grows, a wild engine powered by wind and water.  We saw that natural engine spin a little too close for comfort here in Vava’u, Tonga, this past weekend. Cyclone Ian […]

Packing Your Home into a Small Space

  Our first day of (our first) retirement is full of dust-bunnies, boxes, and lots of trash bags.  The full chaos of moving is upon us.  Luckily, we have a whole week to move our life and our house into a 12×12-foot storage space before we fly away to Baja […]

A Hair(y) Decision

Ok, I’m going to pause for a moment to be a bit vain. I don’t usually succumb to girly habits, but occasionally I obsess about something somewhat silly like a dress or shoes or jewelry.  Today, it’s my hair. I’m scheduled for my thrice-annual haircut tomorrow morning, and can’t decide if I […]

What Should We Read?

Friends, family, loved ones and internet browsers: can you help us stock our library for the next year or so?  I’m a voracious reader, and about to have some serious time to consume lots of written words while floating the seas.  Rob, too. Unfortunately, I feel lost and adrift while […]

Travel Preparations: What to Bring With You

Are you ready for Part 2 of the Travel Prep Mini-Series?  We sure are!  This entry is much more fun, since it means we’re getting closer to a final packing list and farther from those nagging logistical details of leaving our life behind.  (In case you missed Part 1, click here […]

Saltwater Cures All?

We’re flying home from Philly tonight.  As this dark and quiet plane starts to settle down toward Montana, my thoughts are full of family left behind.  It struck me during this visit how different we seem to the rest of Rob’s family (and maybe to lots of other friends and family, […]

Travel Preparations: What You Should Leave Behind

Last week, I had coffee with my friend, Kim.  She and her family are planning to take a year off to sail soon (go, Kim!), and I talked her ear off about how to prepare.  Kim madly scribbled down notes as I rattled off websites, resources and advice about the […]

The Pinch Point

I don’t run, usually. Occasionally, though, tension builds up in my body and pushes toward my throat. Right about when it’s starting to choke me, I put on some shoes and start running. It’s rare. Maybe 3-4 times a year. Today was one of those occasions. About 2pm at the […]

Crew on a Sailboat or Buy Our Own?

Lately, we’ve been asked often by our friends and family: “Why are you going to crew on someone else’s sailboat instead of just buying your own?” (Check out our Panama Canal post to read more about who we’re crewing with across the Pacific Ocean.) Great question.  Here are several answers. […]

Spending Money to Travel

I just checked my credit card statement, and had to take several deep breaths.  Once I was sure I wouldn’t hyperventilate, I opened my eyes again to look at the carnage: Amazon, Apple, Expedia … repeat.  Whoa. How naive I was, thinking we’d just stuff a backpack with some bathing suits […]