How To Canoe With Kids

Canoes are the perfect way to introduce children to the water: they are sturdy, safe, versatile and affordable. Check out this story for tips + a packing list to start exploring rivers and lakes with your kiddos!

How to Stare Down a Trout

Snorkeling brings a new intimacy to my relationship with rivers and creeks that running rapids or matching the hatch never could. Here’s a little ditty on how and why you should snorkel Montana’s rivers.

The Wilderness of Mandalay

The Republic of the Union of Myanmar, a.k.a. Burma. Our 11th country this year, and by far the least developed. This country is truly a melting pot of hundreds of ethnic groups and religions, it’s borders hugging Bangladesh, India, Laos, Thailand, and China. Burma was a colony of Great Britain […]

My Place in Space and Time

Picture yourself right now.  Close your eyes and visualize where you’re sitting, standing or lounging.  Now zoom out.  Do you have a map in your head of where you are located on this big, beautiful earth? I do.  I’m a visual learner, and I feel disoriented if I can’t picture […]

Farewell (for now) to Working for Freshwater

9 years.  5 legislative sessions. 100s of grant proposals.  28,000 miles of streams and rivers to speak up for. Dozens of floats, monitoring days, and presentations.  Thousands of meetings, laughs, successes, snafus, late nights, and learning moments. That’s just a sliver of what working for clean water means to me. Today […]

The Meaning of Life from “EVST”

Tom Roy is the reason I moved to Missoula, Montana.  When I visited in 2002, he was the Director of the University of Montana’s Environmental Studies program, which I was considering attending.  It was a big stretch for a California girl to even consider moving to winter-laced Montana, and I figured I better […]