What Should We Read?

blue latitudes by tony horwitzFriends, family, loved ones and internet browsers: can you help us stock our library for the next year or so?  I’m a voracious reader, and about to have some serious time to consume lots of written words while floating the seas.  Rob, too.

Unfortunately, I feel lost and adrift while browsing Amazon, paralyzed by the endless choices.  So, this is a call for recommendations.  Leave us a comment below or drop us a line to share:

– your favorite book of all time

– a well-loved classic (which are free to download from the Gutenberg Project)

– a good read we shouldn’t miss

– something you simply couldn’t put down

lamb by christopher mooreThe last book I read was Blue Latitudes, about Captain Cook’s expeditions to the islands we’ll be visiting.  But, generally, I’m way more of a fiction girl, as you’ll see from the list of our favorite reads to the left (scroll down a bit in the sidebar).  For instance, this Christopher Moore book made me laugh so hard I almost peed my pants, which is often something I look for in a book.

My goal is to stock the Kindle this weekend, and then keep a go-to list of books we can add as we travel.  Mystery, romance, comedy, drama, history, intrique.  We want to take it all with us.  And, if you happen to read something spectacular a few months from now, toss the title in the comments below and we’ll have a special treat waiting for us at the next port!

Thanks for your advice, and the gift of good books.  Can’t wait to hear from you.


15 thoughts on “What Should We Read?

  1. Heather Adams says:

    Night Circus, by Erin Morganstern – loved it…it’s all fantasy and performance with mystery and love;-)

  2. Mark Thompson says:

    Anything and everything by Cormac McCarthy, first and foremost.
    Next: Under the Banner of Heaven -Jon Krakauer
    William Faulkner-everything, but in particular his short story “The Bear”

  3. I agree with Heather–Night Circus was amazing. I absolutely loved Ready Player One, which I read recently. One of my all-time faves now. Currently reading Dreams and Shadows–I’ll let you know how it is. As far as classics go, if you haven’t read any Dumas, love his works…Count of Monte Cristo, Three Musketeers. The Alchemist by Paolo Coehlo is one of my favorites also. Can’t go wrong with Guy Gavriel Kay or Neil Gaiman–I can give specific recommendations if you like. you’re on a boat, so you should read Master and Commander, Life of Pi and Moby Dick if you haven’t 😉 If you’re looking for something a little edgier, I’ve been digging Joe Hill’s works–Heart-Shaped Box and his graphic works.

  4. While on the water, I highly recommend Callum Robert’s Unnatural History of the Sea. Very readable, long enough to keep you busy for awhile. Have fun!

  5. Brianna Randall says:

    Love this list. Thanks for the great advice … keep it coming 😉

  6. Favorite book of all time is probably Jitterbug Perfume by Tom Robbins, but perhaps “Fierce invalids home from hot climates” would be a better pick for your journey. To dive into some hot country non-fiction “one river” by wade davis is hard to beat.

  7. Log of the Sea of Cortez – Steinbeck
    Shadow of the Wind – Carlos Ruiz Zafon
    Carl Hiaasen for easy reads
    Tan French for thrillers
    Still Alice – Lisa Genova
    The Tortilla Curtain – TC Boyle
    The Brief History of the Dead – Kevin Brockmeier
    The Book Thief – Markus Zusak

  8. Lonesome Dove (McMurtry)
    War and Peace (Tolstoy)
    The Shell Seekers (Pilcher)
    “Winds of War” and “War and Remembrance” ( Wouk)
    Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee (Brown)
    House of the Spirits (Allende)
    Even Cowgirls Get the Blues (Robbins)

  9. Longitude by Dava Sobel is a great book to read when you’re on a boat – true historical story of how they solved the problem of figuring out longitude on ships. Cutting for Stone by A. Verghese, The Space Between Us by Thrity Umrigar, and Little Bee by Chris Cleave are all great novels, though somewhat serious subject matter on all of them. For easy, fun reads anything by Nelson DeMille is good and Major Pettigrew’s Last Stand is sweet. Isabel Allende is an amazing author as is Lisa See – check out Snow Flower and the Secret Fan! Happy Reading

  10. Brianna Randall says:

    Thanks, Lindy! Great list. I just finished Cutting for Stone and was sad when it was over and I had to find another book.

  11. yo. Shadow Country- Peter Matthiessen. You both will love it, tremendous fiction.

  12. Just had a brainstorm for big, beefy, character rich novels – books by James A. Michener (Centennial or Hawaii for instance), Trinity by Leon Uris, and Shantaram (Roberts). Also, Pillars of the Earth, (Ken Follet), The Thorn Birds (McCullough), and Gone with the Wind (Mitchell)…Not all of them high lit I suppose, but definitely enough to get “lost” in. Also, The Good Earth (Buck) is a classic fave. Have a great journey!! Will miss seeing you around town, but will enjoy following your adventures. Best, Erin

  13. Brianna Randall says:

    Thanks, Erin!

  14. Brianna Randall says:

    Just bought it, Bobby. Can’t wait to delve in.

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