blacktip sharks swimming in blue lagoon in french polynesia. photo by rob roberts, story by brianna randall

Swim With Sharks In Rangiroa | Forbes, Feb 2025

The largest atoll in French Polynesia, Rangiroa is a laid-back island paradise full of underwater wonders Our family spent three weeks exploring Rangiroa this winter, an island 200 miles northeast of Tahiti. We snorkeled with sharks, dove with dolphins, and combed deserted shorelines for shells and sea glass. It was […]

A team of researchers tags fin whales off Chile to learn how they vocalize and protect them from ship strikes. By Brianna Randall

To Save Whales From Ship Strikes, Listen Closely | Nov. 2024

Ships tune in to underwater sounds, using acoustics technology to protect vulnerable marine giants. By Brianna Randall, published in Reasons To Be Cheerful On a gray morning this past March, a half-dozen scientists scanned the sea while bobbing offshore of Chile’s Atacama Desert. When an enormous whale surfaced, their small […]

BBC Travel story on Chalalan Ecolodge by Brianna Randall

A remote jungle lodge that only takes 20 guests | BBC Travel, July 2024

The Indigenous community-owned Chalalán Ecolodge offers family adventures and rare wildlife encounters in the Bolivian Amazon. We heard the snorts first, echoing like gunshots through the sauna-thick air. Then eight heads jack-in-the-boxed out of the lake near our dugout canoe. “Wow, giant otters!” whispered Gilder Macuapa, our guide at Chalalán Ecolodge in […]

studying whale sharks in the Galapagos by Brianna Randall

Science News | April 2023

‘Jet packs’ and ultrasounds could reveal secrets of pregnant whale sharks – Until now, our knowledge of pregnancy in the world’s largest living fish came from one female.  Read more >

tree problem in western US by brianna randall

WIRED | Nov 2022

America’s Billion-Dollar Tree Problem Is Spreading – Grasslands are being overrun by drought-resistant invaders that wreck animal habitats, suck up water supplies, and can cost landowners a fortune. Read more >

Backpacker | Aug 2022

“5 Reasons You Need to Adventure With Your Baby.”  It’s true: you SHOULD take your baby with you for outdoor adventure! Read on for first-time family trip ideas and tips, including floats, hikes, and camping adventures.

what are flash droughts by brianna randall

Discover | May 2022

What Are Flash Droughts? – Harmful to crops, streams and wells, researchers find flash droughts difficult to predict. Read more >

cheatgrass - environment - brianna randall

Science News | Dec 2021

“Invasive grasses are taking over the American West’s sea of sagebrush” – Highly flammable cheatgrass and similar nonnative plants dominate one-fifth of the Great Basin. Read more >

Brianna Randall - science writer - ketamine and depression

Discover | Oct 2021

“How Ketamine Helps Alleviate Depression” –  An alternative treatment for mood disorders like depression and anxiety uses one of the only legal psychedelics in the U.S. Researchers still grapple with how exactly it heals the mind.  Read more >

Audubon - sage grouse - brianna randall

Audubon | June 2021

Cutting Trees Gives Sage-Grouse Populations a Boost, Scientists Find – A new study in Oregon shows that removing conifers has helped the imperiled bird’s local numbers grow more quickly. Read more >

science writer - brianna randall - cold water

Discover | May 2021

The Science Behind Cold Water Plunges – People are plunging into icy water for invigoration and health benefits. Are they onto something?  Read more >  

brianna randall - travel writer - BBC

BBC Travel | April 2021

The ultra-marathoner who crosses borders –  Mike Foote is an ultra-marathon champion who concocts elaborate, human-powered adventures through North America to highlight hot-button issues like climate change and immigration.  Read more >

Brianna Randall - Discover Magazine writer - underwater archaeology

Discover | Mar 2021

Archaeologists Have Found Prehistoric Rock Structures Under the Great Lakes. Learn what the stones tell us about communal hunting patterns of early humans. Read more >

Polebridge, Montana - writer Brianna Randall

BBC Travel | Feb 2021

“Welcome to Polebridge, one of the US’ last frontiers” – For more than a century, settlers have been drawn to this pioneering town because of the sheer beauty of the surrounding wilderness – but residents worry that may soon change. Read more >

National Geographic - grasslands - Brianna Randall

National Geographic | May 2021

The Great Plains prairie needs fire to survive – These ranchers are bringing flames back to the grasslands. Read more >

audubon - birds - wildfire - Brianna Randall

Audubon | Oct 2020

“Another Consequence of Suppressing Wildfire: Trees Are Invading the Prairie” – Left unburned, woody vegetation is crowding out habitat, but proactive landowners are learning to use fire to restore America’s grasslands.  Read more >

Brianna Randall - writer - ranchers - weeds

Farm Progress | Aug 2020

“Ranchers take on cheatgrass fight” – Controlling this invasive weed can protect Western grazing lands. Read more >  

Brianna Randall - Discover - dads mental health

Discover | June 2020

“Dads Experience Postpartum Depression, Too” –  New fathers face many changes after their child’s birth, and need more support, experts say. Read more >>

beavers and bull trout - story by brianna randall - photo by rob roberts

National Wildlife Federation | May 2020

“Beavers, Trout, and a Changing Climate” – Research seeks to ensure beaver-related stream restoration is a boon rather than a bother for native trout. Read more >

Brianna Randall, freelance writer, REI

REI Co-Op Journal | Dec 2019

“Noah Strycker is on a mission to bring birding to the masses” – North America has lost nearly 3 billion total birds over the past 50 years, according to recent research. One birder hopes to change that, in part, by attracting new recruits to his lifelong profession and pastime.  Read more >

Brianna Randall, Writer CNN

CNN | Nov 2019

“Swimming with Hawaii’s charismatic spinner dolphins stirs controversy” – In Hawaii, swimming with wild dolphins is possible and popular — partly because these marine mammals keep showing up near shore to greet their human visitors. But some scientists worry people may be unintentionally harming the dolphins. Read more >>


The Washington Post | May 2017

“5 things that make communal parenting easier than going it alone” – Real-life story of how and why you should consider hanging often with other families, including tips for how to embrace short-term communes.  Read more >>


BBC Travel | Feb 2017

“What to do when you’re giving a tropical island” – When Ben and Lisa Newton sold their businesses and homes to sail through the South Pacific, they never expected to own one of the islands they dreamed about.  Read more >>


Cruising World | Dec 2016

“The Dawn Watch” – I have the dawn watch on this passage from Rangiroa to Bora Bora, the shift from 0300 to whenever my husband wakes up. As I stretch and yawn, I try to switch gears to the less comfortable reality of night sailing.  Read more >>


BBC Travel | Sep 2016

“Meet Earl, the gatekeeper to Paradise” – Paradise, population one, is halfway along one of the roughest roads in the US West, perched between two vast wilderness areas that total 1.4 million hectares. That’s where we met Earl. Read the full story here.