Trimming wee talons (and other tales of time)

Cutting our kid’s nails is kind of like wrestling a small iguana, except iguanas don’t drool. Back when I had a 9-5 job and no kid, I always knew what day of the week it was. I was also way better at watering the plants regularly – once a week like clockwork. And […]

Living Luxuriously in the Creases

“I had plenty of time when my daughter was a baby,” my friend tells me. “It was just lost in the transitions.”   She means the transitions between eating and sleeping between dishes and laundry between what was and what is. Motherhood means dwelling within these transitions. Residing in the […]

You are all with us.

We just changed the clocks back again. Every time we gain another hour, I feel a tangible stretch in my connection back home. Our next time change — in just a couple of weeks — will span an entire 25 hours. We’ll lose a whole day as we cross the […]